In this website you will cracked Computer CCC,CCC+,O-LEVEL,etc.
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✍Problem solving is the determination of the basic and seqential steps necessary to arrive at the result of a given problem.It is a logical process of breaking down. The problem into small parts whcich can be solved step-by-step to arrive at the final solution.This need not involve the computer.
✍An Algorithms present step by step instructions required to solve any problem.
"An Algorithms must always have one clearly understood starting point
and one or more
clearly understood ending points."
Every Algorithms should process the following characterstics.
✍A Flowcharts is "Graphical view of Algorithms is called a Flowcharts.It reduce program making time and also reduce error in program".
✍To perform the particular task the programmer writes a sequence of instructions,called program. computer languages can be calssiffed into three board categories.
"The set of instructions codes,wheter in bainary or in decimal notation,which can be directly understood by the computer without the help of Translator& Compiler is called a machine language."that can be executed directly by a computer's central processing unit (CPU). Each instruction causes the CPU to perform a very specific task, such as a load, a jump, or an ALU operation on a unit of data in a CPU register or memory.
In computing, an opcode (operation code)is the portion of a machine language instruction that specifies the operation to be performed.All computer us a Binary digits (0 and 1) for performing internal operation.
In computers, an operand is the part of a computer instruction that specifies data that is to be operating on or manipulated and, by extension, the data itself. Basically, a computer instruction describes an operation (add, subtract, and so forth) and the operand or operands on which the operation is to be performed.
Machine language consist of string of Binary Number a typical program instruction to print out a number on the might be: 101100111111010011101100......etc.
✔Program written in machine language are executed very fast by computer."The Program be easily written in Alphanumeric symbols instead of 0's and 1's.Meaningful and easily rememberable symbols are selected for this purpose.ADD for Addition,SUB for Subtraction,CMP for comparision,etc... symbol are Known as Mnemonics.A program written in Mnemonics is called assembly language.
A Program which translate an assembly language program into a machine language program called a Assembler. A macro assembler includes a macroinstruction facility so that (parameterized) assembly language text can be represented by a name, and that name can be used to insert the expanded text into other code.
A cross assembler is an assembler that is run on a computer or operating system (the host system) of a different type from the system on which the resulting code is to run (the target system). Cross-assembling facilitates the development of programs for systems that do not have the resources to support software development, such as an embedded system. In such a case, the resulting object code must be transferred to the target system, either via read-only memory (ROM, EPROM, etc.) or a data link using an exact bit-by-bit copy of the object code or a text-based representation of that code, such as Motorola S-record or Intel HEX.
A high-level assembler is a program that provides language abstractions more often associated with high-level languages, such as advanced control structures (IF/THEN/ELSE, DO CASE, etc.) and high-level abstract data types, including structures/records, unions, classes, and sets.
High-Level language can formulate problems more efficiently.The instruction witten in a High-Level language called Statements.
✍ A program which Translator a high-level language program into a machine language is called a Compiler.
✔A complier converts the high level instruction into machine language.✍ A program which Translator a high-level language program into a machine language is called a Interpreter.
✔interpreter converts the high level instruction into an intermediate form.✍Usually a Longer Program is divided into a number of Smaller program called MODULES.Its is easier to Develop, Test,and Debug Smaller Program.A Linker is a program that links(combines)Smaller programs to form a Single program.
✍The loader is a program that loads machine codes of a program into the system memory.It accept programs either in absolute or relocatable format.If a program is in absolute format(the actual addresses of the instruction and data are supplied by the programmer),the loader simply loads the program into the system memory.